• "La pollution est aujourd'hui à la mode..." (Guy Debord, 1971)

    A propos d’un nouveau livre sur l’écologie


  • On a gender-fluid childhood, May 68, women's lib, radical gays and Lesbians, identity, #MeToo, and a bit more: an interview with Lola Miesseroff

  • Romans & autres récits

    J'aime l'araignée et j'aime l'ortie,
    Parce qu'on les hait ;

    Victor-Hugo, Les Contemplations, 1886

  • 10 pm Do you know where your children are ?

    Reflections on fiction as social critique (with special reference to Cara Hoffman & Jean-Patrick Manchette)

  • Pub Shrewsbury

    A Critique of Graeber and Wengrow's The Dawn of Everything

  • A 21st Century Essay on (Same)Sex

    Interviewing the author of a book on a class analysis of sexuality, homosexuality, gay and Lesbian struggles, the LGBT+ community, gender, identity... and identity politics.

  • Chaotic World Map

    "The main enemy of every people is in their own country." (Karl Liebknecht, 1915)

  • « L’ennemi principal est dans notre propre pays. » (Karl Liebknecht, mai 1915)

  • “Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.” (Oscar Wilde)

  • Illustre le texte  : Theory of the Proletariat : A History

    Contains upsetting scenes of an explicit theoretical nature. May not be suitable for all radicals.

  • Illustre le texte : Révolution en Iran

    Islam, femmes & prolétariat en 1979 

    (À propos d'un livre récent)

  • or: Class & People

    Yellow Vests: When proletarian resistance takes the form of a people’s movement.
